Introduction - Why make a charter (s)?

Our goal is to unite around a more respectful alternative tourism while allowing to reduce the impacts of our activities on the environment .

We are all volunteers to change our behavior, integrate it into our daily practices and accept eco-constraints to encourage others (our neighbors, our employees, ...) to do like us. Indeed, associating "protection" and "respect for nature" is not incompatible with tourist activity and especially Ecotourism activity. Therefore, it is imperative today for us to manage our business in a sustainable way.

This charter allows us to establish an environmental approach and sustainable; within our ecotourism structure, respecting our sustainable , mandatory and progressive .

Indeed, at DAR EL AIN we have reversed the trend and we tend to find a balance between creating collective wealth , limit the impact of our activity on our living environment and contribute better to social progress and thus, on the one hand, gain the confidence of our local partners (local population, local suppliers, local authorities ...), and encourage them to follow us from there on the other hand, to transmit this trust to our customers and to future generations.

Sustainability has become a logic of local action on our activities and even on our financial diagram.

Our commitments, our moral axes!

Concretely, at DAR EL AIN, we are committed via an environmental charter, with a list of obligatory commitments and progressive:

1st commitment: Mandatory prerequisites

1.1. Carry out an inventory the first year and take stock after 3 years,

1.2. Monitor water and energy consumption annually,

1.3. Be able to provide supporting documents (invoices, photos, etc.) to the local authorities,

1.4.Use communication and animation tools to promote sustainable tourism and alternative tourism,

1.5. Participate in days, meetings and training on the theme of sustainable tourism, alternative tourism and especially ecotourism.

2nd commitment: Put in place of thematic actions

2.1. Buy eco responsible and local,

2.2. Reduce our waste production,

2.3. Preserve our water resources,

2.4. Reduce our energy consumption,

2.5. Promote biodiversity,

2.6. Make staff and customers aware of our procedures.

3rd engagement: Interaction in our environment

3.1. Give priority to partners and entities involved in this process,

3.2. Coordinate and support the process in conjunction with local referents and committed partners,

3.3. Pursue the networks of exchanges around the world on the subject of "Sustainable Tourism" and "Alternative Tourism",

3.4. Propose tools and awareness-raising actions, contribute to training or promotion such as logos and labels for the preservation of nature and the environment and good practices in relation to biodiversity.

We commit, and we do it, .. how?

By adopting the above-mentioned commitments, DAR EL AIN undertakes to:

Prefer eco-responsible and / or local service providers and / or suppliers,

Prefer eco-labeled and / or alternative products that are less harmful to the environment,

Preserve the quality of the water by not spilling any harmful product into the drainage network or natural spaces and by limiting hazardous products to the strict minimum.

Install water saving devices suitable for use with flow reducers for taps,

Install or indicate an easily accessible selective sorting of waste including hazardous waste,

Prefer products limiting the production of waste (ban plastic bottles) and / or easily recyclable (glass, paper, cardboard ...),

Buy or replace electrical equipment with class A devices,

Maintain our green spaces without pesticides, with organic products or by alternative treatments (thermal weeding, mulching of beds, etc.),

Use local plant species for future plantings, and / or put in place tools to promote biodiversity (in the examples: diversified spaces, installation of shelters for wildlife, etc.),

Inform customers and display for staff the charter of sustainable tourism and alternative tourism of DAR EL AIN,

Engage DAR EL AIN to transmit knowledge and / or make available documentation relating to the local environment (fauna, flora, hiking trails, etc.).

A télécharger

Envoyez nous vos engagements



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