Health commitments

Dear customers,

Because your safety as well as that of our employees, partners and suppliers is our priority, we have created a charter of health commitments which will come into force as soon as the establishment reopens on June 19, 2020 , as well as all the actions and precautions put in place within DAR EL AIN in order to be able to welcome you in the best conditions compliance with health standards.

We invite you to read it and apply the recommendations found in this charter upon arrival. In order to limit the spread of COVID-19; the intelligence and responsibility of all are our best allies.

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Some key informations

Our activity programs are in the open air (outdoor) guarantee you the < strong> non proximity and respect for recommended social distancing . We do not provide accommodation and we will receive you in our spacious room for the briefing.

Our equipment, tents and sleeping bags are washed according to all recommended hygiene procedures.

Our program guarantees you non-proximity and compliance with recommended social distancing . We do not provide accommodation and we will receive you in our spacious room for the briefing. Our equipment, tents and sleeping bags are washed according to all recommended hygiene procedures. Our Staff have been sensitized and encouraged to adopt the new sanitary procedures which meet the safety and hygiene guidelines provided by the government and the health authorities and the World Health Organization (WHO) , with regard to reducing the likelihood transmission of COVID-19 ; in order to provide you with a suitable and secure service during this period, all of our staff will wear a surgical mask in public places. We have carried out daily disinfection of the space throughout the day, always for your comfort and safety.

We have taken all the necessary precautions to receive you in optimal conditions of safety, so that you can enjoy your stay with peace of mind, with peace of mind.

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We look forward to welcoming you back!

Reminder of barrier gestures

We would like to thank each of our customers in advance for wearing a mask when traveling on the way to our premises, within the premises of the DAR EL AIN establishment as well as in public places ; for the respect and safety of all.

Affiche des gestes barrières - Covid-19 de DAR EL AIN

I'm in

As a responsible surrender, apart from my commitments in the hiker charter and following the Covid-19, I agree to:

  • I take my temperature before hitting the road for the program,
  • I control my temperature throughout the duration of my experiment program,
  • I wear the mask as soon as I take the road by public transport or accompanied personal. I keep it on me during the hike and put it back after arrival ,
  • I use Hydro-Alcoholic Solutions regularly and before and after using the mask,
  • I walk respecting as much as possible the social distancing in force with other hikers,
  • I don't spit on the ground and blow my nose in a disposable tissue, and I keep them in a special plastic bag,
  • I do not throw waste on the course but in bins dedicated for this purpose,
  • I use my own refueling container and only use individualized portions ,
  • I do not share my water bottle with other hikers, and I do not ask for other people's water bottles,
  • I do not come into physical contact with any other hiker.

See something? Say something!

Remember: See something? Say something!

Our team is required to report any illness immediately, and our customers are encouraged to do the same! If at any time you experience flu symptoms, such as chills, cough, runny nose, fever, congestion or sore throat; let us know and try to stay away from the rest of the group.

Come and recharge your batteries in complete safety!

Please respect the barrier gestures, in an outdoor program, it is possible; keep 1.5m to 2m distance between each of you and our team members.

Collective intelligence and responsibility are our best allies.

We wish you a very pleasant experience!

Brochure Box

Share with us your rules



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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Taking the body temperature can detect the onset of fever. Fever is defined as an increase in the internal temperature of the body (temperature displayed during a rectal intake) to more than 38 ° C, without any effort and in a moderate ambient temperature. This rise in temperature alerts the possibility of having caught COVID-19.
    The transmission of COVID-19 occurs mainly through micro-droplets that are projected into the air, while breathing or speaking. By covering our nose and mouth, up to the chin, with a mask, we limit the amount of micro-droplets that we project around us. Remember, we can be carriers or carriers of COVID-19 without showing any symptoms. The mask thus protects others by limiting the spread of the virus if we are affected without knowing it. Wearing the mask when you visit us therefore offers us and you also additional protection.
    Washing your hands is one of the barrier gestures to adopt against the coronavirus. However, it is not always easy to always have a water point near you. This is why it is recommended to have hydro-alcoholic gel on you to limit the spread of the virus. A hydro-alcoholic solution is a mixture of water and alcohol which destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi. A hydro-alcoholic solution does not clean the hands but disinfects them. It should be used in addition to washing hands with soap and water or when there is no water point near us.
    Keeping a certain distance from those around you and individuals more generally reduces the risks of contamination and spread of the coronavirus, just like no longer shaking hands and kissing each other. This recommendation involves a number of changes in people's lifestyles, in the way we move and interact. In practice, it may seem difficult to apply and sometimes even be taken lightly. This is required in order to minimize the transmission of the virus either through the touch or through the droplets that spread near us when breathing.
    Masks are a bulwark against the spread of Covid-19. When they are thrown to the ground after being used, the germs and potential viruses they carry spread to the ground, contaminating passers-by but especially the agents in charge of cleanliness. Although it may not always be obvious at first glance, disposable masks are neither fabric nor paper. They are plastic! (“non-woven” polypropylene, a petroleum derivative) Consequently, and like any plastic, it will take 450 years for a discarded mask to biodegrade while diffusing micro particles of plastic that are very dangerous for wildlife.
    Obviously for the sake of contamination, passing the virus from one person to another knowing that the person can be a healthy carrier but all the same the effects of the virus may therefore appear on the second. Any shared object, especially if it is an element that promotes rapid transmission such as snack portions, a bottle of water, a spoon or a mug ... the droplets from the infected person will pass quickly to the person healthy.